September Sale

We’ve placed some items on extra discounted prices through the end of the month while supplies last and they are shown as On Sale in our catalog. Here’s how to find them and the other products we sell.

Use our Advanced Product Search page to find what you are looking for or to just see the items that we currently have on sale. Here’s a picture of what it looks like when you go to it.

Manno Firearms Advanced Product Search
This is a picture of the Advanced Product Search page. Clicking here won’t do anything, use the link above to go there.

See that check box next to the On Sale label above? Just check it and it will show you every item we have placed on Sale below our regular discounted prices. That’s all you have to do, and give it a couple seconds to sort and load.

If you want to search all of the products in our catalog, leave that box unchecked.

If you want to filter by Brand name, Product Catagory, or Price you can do that too.

The Search box at the top is where you can enter a name, a SKU, an IPC, or something else to search for.

A couple things to keep in mind is that often there are abbreviations in the name or text. Remington is often Rem. Mossberg is sometimes Mb. Instead of 20 Gauge you might search for 20GA instead.

Another helpful hint is to sort results by availability. That should place the items that are in stock at the top of the page. If you see Add to Cart below and item, it means it’s in stock. Items that are currently out of stock will show Read More and you can use our Back In Stock notification system to email you when it becomes available by clicking it.

The Advanced Product Search page is also found as a selection on the website’s Shop menu.

Thanks again for subscribing to our updates and shopping at Manno Firearms.

August 2020 15 percent off sale

These are challenging times and Manno Firearms is looking to help you save some money.  During August we’re discounting some popular items by 15% from their normal prices. 

Ammo BoxesZAS2512M

Cases for Guns and BowsZA1413889912

Targets and TrapsZAL3021

We’ve already applied the discount to the price you see.  No coupons, codes or hassle.  Find, buy and save.   From firearms cases to ammo containers there are some great deals.  We hope you’ll take advantage of them!

Note: The sale price is on select items, in-stock only and no ‘rain checks’.

Due to volume shipping times are 2-3 weeks in the continental US with flat-rate shipping.

Prices are now live on our website as of July 31st!

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